High Curcumin Turmeric
High Curcumin Turmeric
Turmeric is all the rage now because it contains a unique compound called curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory. Our hybrid variety (IISR Prathibha) contains about three times the amount of curcumin in normal turmeric. It has a more intense flavour and colour and should be your go-to product when you have an itchy throat or pain in the joints.
How to use
How to use
- Use liberally for your culinary, cosmetic, and therapeutic needs.
- Best consumed with a pinch of black pepper or tempered in fats such as whole oils or ghee.
Myth Buster
Myth Buster
Myth: The best turmeric is bright yellow in colour.
Fact: Turmeric ranges from bright yellow to dull ochre, depending upon the curcumin and curcuminoids it contains. Prathibha turmeric is dark - the colour of sandalwood.
Pair it with: Black Pepper
By adding a pinch of black pepper whenever you use turmeric powder, the bioavailability of curcumin shoots up significantly.